Did you know I started Eight at Eight Dinner Club at the age of 22?
It has been a wild ride and I’m proud to say that I’ve helped literally thousands of singles meet face-to-face and fall in love. (At least some of them!)
For many years we were struggling start-up business. The good news is that I was young and not used to earning much money! I couldn’t have done it all without the creative ingenuity of…INTERNS!
Do you have what it takes to be an intern for Eight at Eight and One on One Matchmaking?
To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to
Check out this list of some of our former interns. Unfortunately, we’ve lost touch with some of them (it has been 20 years after all!?) If you are a former intern, please send us an update on your life, etc. and we’ll post your info here too!

Madi H. 2022

Emme S. 2022

Carrie, 2012

“I worked for Sarah Kathryn Smith at One on One Matchmaking and Eight at Eight Dinner club as an intern and then as a sale/recruitment lead. Sarah Kathryn is a talented businesswoman and fantastic mentor. Under her supervision, I learned invaluable skills – such as networking, customer service, lead sourcing, client management, and business analytics – which have led to a seamless transition into my career as a healthcare recruiter.
Ali, 2011-2012

Emily, 2014

Nancy 2016

“Working at One on One taught me how to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment. I was given a TON of responsibility and was able to develop my communication skills while maintaining relationships with upscale and professional clients. I can’t imagine a more fun and rewarding internship!”
Nancy, 2015

Megan, 2013