Advice for Meeting and Dating Career-Focused Professionals
May 3, 2017

Career-minded individuals are seldom seen around town.

Career-minded individuals will not always be at some of the spots you would hope to find them, but why not?! Simple—they are working their tails off focusing on their careers! While they want to meet someone just as much as the next person, they are very selective and careful with their available free time.

Case in point, let me tell you a short story about a physician friend that had not dated, except in group settings, for over six months. He was not a person who had a hard time finding dates; his real problem was time—trying to schedule it in with all of his meetings, patients, and other hospital obligations. He was concerned that he would be 40 before he found that special someone. This was frustrating, and it seemed his goal of a love life was unattainable.

Does that sound like anyone you know?

If so, listen carefully to the advice being shared here.

First things first.

You have to know what you want. Since most career professionals are very goal-oriented, they usually have a timeline established for their career, home ownership, relationship, and children. All planned out in a feasible map, and—to them—a realistic timeframe that will deliver what they want when they want!

The problem—the same problem the professionals continue to have over and over—is time. Making time for what they want in their personal lives.

That leads us to the second point: prioritize.

Set aside a specific amount of time per week or month that you will give to looking for a mate to date. Maybe you can give a few hours a week or a weekend to your goal. Whatever it is, stick to it and apply it.

Thirdly, where do you find the people?

Where do you find people who are somewhat like-minded, valuing their own careers as much as you do? Look for someone in parallel jobs, but not the exact same job. For example, a physician dating a physician will lead to a similar problem with time. You both will be putting in so many hours at your profession that you will have little time for each other.

Maybe a physician’s better choice would be a pharmaceutical representative or someone in a directorial job in the healthcare industry. You have to think about your time parameters and how they might affect the search for that certain someone.

Fourth, be patient.

Be open to meeting new people in what you might consider unorthodox ways. Perhaps trying out a matchmaker that works with professional and careerminded individuals who have similar backgrounds would be a way to find Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Give yourself a break. Even though your time is limited, be straightforward with people you date and let them know that because of the limited time you have to cut through the maze to get to the real heart of the matter. Heart matters take time and honesty. So do both—give time and be honest about what you need and what you are looking for. It’s out there.

Exhibit patience. Yes, I know; that has to do with time, too!


Last, but not least.

It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Give another person a chance. Most of us, men and women both, base our impressions on the first look. We are all visual by nature, but try to steer that impulse to the side and take a longer look at this other genuine human being.

What do you like about him or her right from the start? Pay attention to how they are saying something as much as listening to what they are saying. Take in everything and weigh it carefully.

By peering past “THE LOOKS” and getting to their substance, chances are, you may find a diamond. Much like the Mona Lisa painting, they become more attractive with each and every view. The more you know, the more informed your final decision will be about whether this person is the right fit for you or not!