Tips for Dating with a Busy Schedule
August 26, 2021

Being a matchmaker is incredibly rewarding – except when a client tells us one thing, but does another. Here are some friendly tips for dating with a busy schedule:

For instance, when someone (you?) hires a matchmaker to find the love of his/her life – but doesn’t have time to date. Let’s face it – if you’re so busy you can’t make time for a date within a week of meeting someone, you are too busy to start, develop, and maintain a relationship…

One of our roles is to help people answer the question: “What are my priorities?” Think about it for a moment: How important it is, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest priority, for you to be in a relationship? If you answer “9,” but then you’re not available for two weeks, the true answer is more like a 6.

If finding love were truly a 9 for you, then you should be working closely with a matchmaking service. Be more active in your dating life. Leave work a bit early some days, minimize activities that keep you busy, but are hindering an increase in dating.

If you meet someone awesome and had a great first date, you need to be available for a second date within the next two weeks. You’ve got to strike while the attraction is hot. If you’re really busy, that second date may evaporate.

Being available is very important to the foundation of any relationship. You don’t want this person to think you are too busy to get together. Some people go on new first dates each week; and, they are thinking, “Should this name stay on my list of potential suitors or not?”

Tips for Dating with a Busy Schedule:

too busy to date?

1. Allow flexibility in your weekly schedule to date twice a week. Pick out in advance which two days you’ll keep available to go out. Make those days sacred. Singles love to meet up here! 

2. Remember if it’s important to you and you rank it at least an 8, it’s your obligation to make your goals and your life happen. Which means, it’s on you to make time.

However, if you do want help, call us to hear all about our industry-leading dating services and the romance, marriages, and bambinos we’ve orchestrated over the last 22 years.